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Editor Setup

  1. Open the MapleServer2 solution by double-clicking MapleServer2.sln.

  2. Inside VS2022, right click on the GameDataParser project folder and select Set as Startup Project. Then run the project (F5).

  3. After it is finished set the startup project back to MapleServer2.

Visual Studio Code

  1. Download .NET 6.0 SDK, if not already downloaded.

  2. Open the project as a folder. File -> Open Folder -> Select the MapleServer2 folder

  3. Then go to Extensions and install the C# extension.

  4. After opening the project, open terminal (Terminal -> New Terminal) and run

dotnet run --project GameDataParser/GameDataParser.csproj

Lua Setup for Visual Studio Code (Optional)

Can be skipped if you are using Visual Studio 2022. Install the Lua formatter extension. Then, inside settings.json for your Visual Studio Code (CTRL + SHIFT + P -> type: 'settings (json)'), add the following:

"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[lua]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "Koihik.vscode-lua-format",
"vscode-lua-format.configPath": ".luaFormatConfig"

This enables the formatter on Lua files and formats them when you save them. It will load the .luaFormatConfig file from the project's root directory.

CLI Setup

You can opt to run this emulator without an editor.

  1. Download .NET 6.0 SDK, if not already downloaded.

  2. Navigate to the MapleServer2 folder

  3. Run

dotnet run --project GameDataParser/GameDataParser.csproj