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Information displayed upon previewing job advancement (to Rank II).

subJobCodeDetermines which information to display to the player depending upon their SubJobCode found in one the entries
changeSubJobCodeDisplays which job the player would be advancing to
movieDisplays the usm clip of the job the player would be advancing to
descString of the overall description of the job advancement. The value here points to /string/stringchangejobdesc.xml
skilldesc1String of the job advancement first focus/tree a player can select. The value here points to /string/stringchangejobdesc.xml
skillID1Skill IDs to display as a preview for the first focus/tree.
skilldesc2String of the job advancement second focus/tree a player can select. The value here points to /string/stringchangejobdesc.xml
skillID2Skill IDs to display as a preview for the second focus/tree.
startquestidWhen the player presses "Rank Up!" to proceed with the job advancement, this quest is triggered and displayed to the user to begin.
endquestidIf the player has completed this quest ID, the rank up button no longer shows up to the user. Handled by the client