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Dungeonroom defines every dungeon in the game and its properties, with each dungeonroom element being a separate dungeon.

dungeonRoomIDThe ID of a dungeonRoom. Not only is this important for differentiating dungeons, it is also used by unionrewardID.The lv.50 Fire Dragon hard dungeon has a dungeonRoomID of 20014002.
dungeonLevelUnclear. NOT the minimum level requirement.
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playTypeType of limiting upon dungeon run capping.
Can be either limitReward or limitEnter.
limitReward means the player can still join dungeon instances with runs capped, but will no longer receive rewards; while limitEnter means the player no longer can join dungeon instances with runs capped.Examples of limitEnter are 25008001 (Dark Descent) and 29003001 (Cathy Mart), while limitReward can be seen in the vast majority of the dungeons.
groupTypeDungeon's category.
Can be normal, raid, chaosRaid, reverseRaid, lapenta, turka, guildRaid, darkStream, fameChallenge, colosseum, vip, item or event.
normal is Normal Adventure, raid Hard Aventure, chaosRaid Chaos Raid, reverseRaid Reverse Raid (a tab disabled in vanilla GMS2 clients), lapenta Eye of Lapenta, turka is a stringless tab (and disabled in vanilla GMS2 clients.), guildRaid Guild Raid: Xenon System, darkStream Dark Descent, fameChallenge Fortress Rumble, colosseum Queen Bean Rumble, vip Premium, item Treasure (and probably nuked off the GMS2 client.), and event Special.
clearTypeThe type of condition for considering the dungeon complete.
Can be either trigger or monster.
Monster means the dungeon will be completed once a specific monster is dead. Dungeons with this type of clearType will also have the attribute clearValue, containing the npc id of the specific monster that has to killed.
Trigger means the dungeon will be completed once the trigger action DungeonClear is sent.
An example of clearType monster is dungeon 23025003 (Normal Madrakan Spire), while 23006003 (Hard Shadow Altar) is an example of clearType trigger.
Used by dungeons of clearType monster.
NPC id
Must be the id of the specific monster the players have to kill to complete the dungeonDungeon 23025003 (Normal Madrakan Spire) has a clearValue of 23502003 (Lukarax)
cooldownTypeType of run count cooldown.
Can be either dayOfWeeks or nextDay
[This behavior can be overwritten by unionRewardID]
dayOfWeeks means the dungeon run count will always be reset on an specific day of the week. Dungeons with this type of cooldownType will also always have the attributes cooldownValue, rewardCount and, sometimes, subRewardCount.
nextDay means the dungeon run count will always reset in daily reset. Dungeons with this type of cooldownType can have only the attribute rewardCount.
29001001 (Premium Dungeon) is a dungeon with cooldownType nextDay whose cooldownType isn't overwritten by an unionRewardID, meaning it resets everyday.
Used only by dungeons with cooldownType dayOfWeeks.
1 to 7 number value
[This behavior can be overwritten by unionRewardID]
Value represents the day of the week the dungeon will reset on, being 6 (Friday) by default if not specified.Dungeon 23023003 (Normal Rock n' Rollin' Pink Bean) has a cooldownValue of 6 and resets on Friday.
Can replace the dungeon's cooldownType, rewardCount, subRewardCount and run count with a different dungeon's
Dungeon id
For example, dungeon 1006 (dummy dungeon) has a cooldownType of dayOfWeeks, a cooldownValue of 6, a rewardCount of 30 and a subRewardCount of 15.
This means dungeon 1006 has a weekly cap of 30 runs, with a daily cap of 15, and will reset the run count every week on Friday.

Meanwhile, dungeon 20009001 (Warbot Rebellion) has a cooldownType of nextDay, a rewardCount of 3 and an unionRewardID of 1006.
Normally this would mean dungeon 20009001 has a daily cap of 3 runs and will reset the run count every day, but this behavior is overwritten by the unionRewardID 1006, making the dungeon have the same behavior AND run count as dungeon 1006: a weekly cap of 30 runs, with a daily cap of 15, which will reset every week on Friday.
rewardCountMaximum run count
Number value
[This behavior can be overwritten by unionRewardID]
In dungeons of cooldownType dayOfWeeks, this is the weekly cap. In dungeons of cooldownType nextDay, this is the daily cap.
Used only by dungeons of cooldownType dayOfWeeks, represents the daily cap.
Number value
[This behavior can be overwritten by unionRewardID]
dayOfWeeks dungeons don't neccessarily have to have a subRewardCount.Dungeon 26001001 (L1: Apeullela Outback) has no subRewardCount, meaning it has only a weekly cap.
Whether the run count is account wide
By default 0 if not specifiedDungeon 27003001 (Blackshard Nexus) is isAccountReward 1, meaning the run count is account wide.
rewardExpAmount of experience rewarded upon dungeon completion
Number value
Static value (i.e not a factor for a formula). Always rewarded, regardless of run count.Dungeon 27003001 (Blackshard Nexus) has a rewardExp of 775200, meaning it always rewards 775200 experience upon completion.
Rate to be used in the bonus experience formula
Number value
Unclear how it is meant to be used.
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Dungeon 29001001 (Premium Dungeon) has a rewardExpRate of 1 and 29003001 (Cathy Mart Part-Time Job) has a rewardExpRate of 4.
rewardMesoBase for amount of meso rewarded upon dungeon completion.
Not final value
Number value
Keep in mind GMS2 has a x3 meso rate for dungeons, meaning a dungeon with 14000 rewardMeso will reward 42000 upon being completed.
KMS2, in comparison, has a x0.1 rate.
Dungeon 27003001 (Blackshard Nexus) has 12000 rewardMeso and rewards 36000 mesos upon being completed.
rewardLimitedDropBoxIdsList of individualDropBoxIds rewarded upon completing the dungeon
Separated by commas
It is unclear what is the difference between this and rewardUnlimitedDropBoxIds.Dungeon 26001001 (L1: Apeullela Outback) has a rewardLimitedDropBoxIds of 330002388; which contains 25 guaranteed 30000861 (Guild Coin) and 1 11900092 (Life Data Storage Necklace) of custom drop rate.
seasonRankRewardIDRewards and system mails for each rank
DungeonRankReward rewardID
See documentation for table dungeonrankreward for more information.Dungeon 23010003 (Hard Moonlight Fortress) has a seasonRankRewardID of 10017, meaning the following ranks have the following rewards and mails:
C-20302100 and 53000007; B-20302101 and 53000008; A-20302424 and 53000009; S-20302103 and 53000010; S+-20302104 and 53000011
roundIDDefines the reward given and gear score required per round
dungeonrounddata DungeonRoundGroup
See documentation for table dungeonrounddata for more information.
lobbyFieldIDMap id that will be used as the dungeon's lobbyAll dungeon lobbies can be found in the 50000001-50000016 range.Dungeon 27002001 (Terminus of Time) has a lobbyFieldID of 50000011 (Terminus of Time Lobby)
fieldIDsField ids of the dungeon
Map id
Separated by commas
For the sake of completing the dungeon for all players in the same dungeon instance, it is extremely important to keep track of all players in all fields.Dungeon 23037002 (Arcana Delphion) has the fieldIds 02020200 and 02020201. If a player kills the boss and completes the dungeon in 02020201, all players in 02020200 will have the dungeon completed as well.
Duration of dungeon's timer, in ticks1 tick equals to 1ms.Dungeon 23040003 (Hard Ancient Aetherine Mine) has a durationTick of 900000 and therefore lasts 15 minutes.
BoolUsed in dungeons with durationTick. Whether or not the dungeon session will immediately expire once the timer reaches 0.Dungeon 23023003 (Hard Rock n' Roll Pink Bean) kicks all player off the fields and expires the dungeon once the timer reaches 0, no longer allowing players to enter the dungeon session.
Always used in dungeons with durationTick
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Only seen in the wild as "clock"
Number valueMinimum amount of party members needed to allow the lobby to be opened. If minUserCount isn't 1, the Enter Alone button is disabled.Dungeon 29003001 (Cathy Mart Part-Time Job) has a minUserCount of 4.
maxUserCountNumber valueMaximum amount of players that can be registered to a session. If maxUserCount is 1, the Enter with Party button can't be used at all.Dungeon 29003001 (Cathy Mart Part-Time Job) has a maxUserCount of 4, meaning that any player that isn't the first four players to be registered will be barred from going through the lobby portal.
Number valueMinimum gear score required for eligibility. Player cannot enter the instance or create a session without it.Dungeon 26001001 (L1: Apeullela Outback) has a gearScore of 1800.
Trophy idTrophy required to be complete for eligibility. Player cannot enter the instance or create a session without it.Dungeon 24092005 (Training Yard Tussle) has a limitAchieveID of 22500011 (Be Trusted by the Royal Guard).
limitPlayerLevelNumber valueMinimum level required for eligibility. Player cannot enter the instance or create a session below it. Also displayed besides the dungeon's name on the Dungeon Directory's list.Dungeon 29001001 (Premium Dungeon) has a limitPlayerLevel of 1.
Additional id
Separated by commas
Buff required to be complete for eligibility. Player cannot enter the instance or create a session without it.Dungeon 27002001 (Terminus of Time) has a limitAdditionalEffects of 90051322 (Red Lapenshard Resonance) and 90051327 (Space Rift)
BoolPremium required for eligibility. Player cannot enter the instance or create a session without it.Dungeon 29001001 (Premium Dungeon) is limitVIP 1.
BoolPlayer requires to equip a weapon with recommendJobs that contains their jobId for eligibility. Player cannot enter the instance or create a session without it.Dungeon 24091005 (Duel on the Deck) is limitRecommendWeapon 1.
Number values; 1 to 7 value
Separated by commas
Days of the week the dungeon can be ran.All guild raid dungeons have a limitDayOfWeeks of 1,2,3,4,6,7, meaning it is open Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Dungeon ID required to be complete for eligiblityThis means the player's run count for that dungeon ID needs to be above 1. This does not refer to the player's Times Cleared.Dungeon 26005001 (L5: Eternal Arena) has a limitClearDungeon of 26004001 (L4: Ice Beast's Den)
dungeonBannerBanner image shown behind the dungeon title on its Dungeon Directory page
File path
All dungeon banners can be found in Image.m2d/map/dungeonbanner.Dungeon 24091005 (Duel on the Deck) has a dungeonBanner of ./Data/Resource/Image/Map/DungeonBanner/02020023.png
Image shown in the rankings for that dungeon
File path
All boss icons can be found in Image.m2d/map/dungeonbanner/boss.Dungeon 24091005 (Duel on the Deck) has a bossIcon of ./Data/Resource/Image/Map/DungeonBanner/Boss/11003533_F_Bliche_B.png
Always used in dungeons with bossIcon
Presumably whether the bossIcon will be shown.
BoolIf enabled, the Enter Alone button is removed entirely.Dungeon 26002001 (L2: Rainbow Slime Factory) is isPartyOnly 1, disabling the Enter Alone button.
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All isChangeMaxUser 1 seen in the wild are normal raid dungeons.
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Values seen in the wild: 4001; 3001; 1200; 1100 (watchtower); 1000 (DD); 3004 (ndev); 3005 (nmoc); 3006 (nzak); 3007 (nnog2.0); 3008 (nbjorn); 3009 (nmadria); 3010 (n60pb)
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Only seen in lv40 PapulatusDungeon 20011001 (Ludibrium Clock Tower) has a customMonsterLevel of 40.
chaosDamageMeterTurns on party-wide DPS meter
Dungeon 24090005 (Wrath of Infernog) is chaosDamageMeter 1.
Complicated. Related to event tags.Dungeon will remain open for as long as the event tag is active.Dungeon 29006001 (Event Ludibrium Clock Tower) has an openPeriodTag of 20191113_EventPapulatus.
Maximum amount of safe revivals
Number value
Not specifying this attribute will allow players to safe revival in the dungeon limitlessly.Dungeon 23043003 (Normal Showdown with Infernog) is defaultRevivalLimitCount 3, allowing the players to safely revive up to 3 times per session.
Party-wide dungeon objectives
DungeonMission ID
Separated by commas
Mission will be applied to everyone in party. See documentation for table dungeonmission for more information.One of dungeon 20014002 (The Fire Dragon)'s partyMissions is 20014000, which rewards 200 score to the entire party the moment someone LastHits npc 23000011.
Player-wide dungeon objectives
DungeonMission ID
Separated by commas
Mission will be applied only to player that committed it. See documentation for table dungeonmission for more information.One of dungeon 20014002 (The Fire Dragon)'s userMissions is 20014002, which penalties 50 (400/8) score per death.
BoolDisables the dungeon's Find Helper button.Dungeon 25008001 (Dark Descent) is isDisableFindHelper 1.
BoolIf enabled, Close button of rewards screen will replaced with an Exit button, and player will be redirected out of the dungeon once rewards screen is closed.Dungeon 24091005 (Duel on the Deck) is isLeaveAfterCloseReward 1, meaning the player will be redirected out of the dungeon after closing the rewards screen.
BoolDisables the meso instant revival button, that allows players to instantly revive for mesos up to three times daily.Dungeon 23040003 (Hard Ancient Aetherine Mine) is limitMesoRevival 1, disabling meso instant revives.
BoolDisables the meret instant revival button, that allowed players limitless instant revivals for merets. This feature was never used in GMS2 beyond CBT2.All dungeons in GMS2 are limitMeratRevival 1, even if not specified.
Score requirements for each rank
dungeonconfig group
See documentation for table dungeonconfig for more information.Dungeon 27000001 (Emerald Prison) is rankTableID 8, meaning it has a maximum score of 2750 and the following score requirements for each rank:
S+-2750; S-2100; A-1400; B-400; C-0
Total Clears needed to be considered a Dungeon Veteran
Number value
Players with level 50 or above will automatically be marked as Veteran in dungeons below level 50.Dungeon 20014002 (The Fire Dragon) has a dungeonHelperRequireClearCount of 10, needing 10 total clears to be considered a Veteran.
Enables the Find Party button to the left of Enter with Party
Should be used with a minUserCount bigger than 1Both 29006001 and 29003001 are isUseRandomMatch 1.
Bypasses the original sorting to move the dungeon to that specific index. Used in both the Dungeon Directory's dungeon list and the Challenge Map's Recommended Dungeons windows.
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Values seen in the wild:
1-both Devs, 2-both Mocs, 3-both Bjorns, 4-both Madrias, 5-both PBs, 6-all fortress rumbles, 7-both Zaks, 8-both Nogs
rewardUnlimitedDropBoxIdsList of individualDropBoxIds rewarded upon completing the dungeon
Separated by commas
It is unclear what is the difference between this and rewardLimitedDropBoxIds.One of dungeon 23026003 (Normal Rock n' Roll Pink Bean)'s rewardLimitedDropBoxIds is 23502021; which contains 1 guaranteed 20302473 (Pink Bean's Treasure Fragment Selection Box), 4 guaranteed of one of five possible accessory fragments, 1 non-guaranteed 11860122 (Ariel's Wings), and 1 guaranteed Pink Bean's Prank Blue Lapenshard (Tier 1) of the player's class.